Friday, May 23, 2014

First X-Wing tournament

On the 17th May (one week ago) I participated in my first complete X-Wing tournament!

Well, it was not really my first, because in March I had played two rounds in another tournament in the same shop... I made so many mistakes in my first games, constantly bumping into any asteroid that came into my pilots' view... On the other hand, I learned a lot about maneuvering!

The shop the tournament took place in was Tabletop Kingdom in The Hague, a great place with plenty of space to play!

The shop was quite busy during the tournament!

There were 4 standard battles in the tournament, and I was really happy with my performance. My list was interesting and fun to play and it proved to be quite deadly. I lost my first game, but then I won the next 3 games with a complete victory 100-0 (I destroyed all other ships without having any of mine destroyed). I finished third out of 14 (I think) participants, tied with the second player (he ended second because he lost his last game in the final, something I could not reach because of losing my first game).

my list, Ten's Friends:
Ten Numb with Heavy Laser Cannon and Marksmanship (41)
Garven Dreis
Biggs Darklighter with R2-D2 and Shield Upgrade
Total: 100

The basic strategy of this list is protecting Biggs so that he does not die too quickly and use Ten Numb and Garven Dreis to destroy the opposition.

And here come the battle reports:

First Battle
In my first game I met Oliver (I think). He played a very nice list with two Interceptors of 9 Pilot Skill and 3 Academy TIEs. The Interceptors were extremely maneuverable and very dangerous attacking, while the Academy TIEs provided some extra firepower while offering the possibility of blocking any easy movement of the opponent.

The game started with the squadrons in opposite corners of the board. The approach was not easy for any of us (I think we both placed the asteroids quite well).
We started in opposite corners and then approached each other through the asteroid field

All is quite in the space at the moment
Then a catastrophe happened to my squadron and I lost Biggs in the first shots exchange. My opponent managed to score 6 hits with just 7 dice (actually, 5 hits and a Direct Hit critical)... Not a good way to start the battle...
The Interceptors' lightning movement placed them at ranges 1 and 2 from Biggs. I rolled very poorly my defense dice and as a result lost Biggs in the first fire exchange.

I managed to destroy one of the Interceptors and damage two of the TIEs, and at some point it looked like I could maybe turn back the tide of battle, but Garven Dreis was quickly dispatched and that left Ten Numb completely alone against 4 Imperial spaceships

Soontir Fel prepares himself for a new hunt...

During the last part of the battle I lost all my gambles and my opponent outmaneuvered me most of the rounds. As a result, I could not destroy any of the damaged TIEs and lost by a big margin.

Second Battle
In the second game I met Laura. She played another interesting list, similar to the one I had fought before, though this one had two agile Interceptors and two good TIEs. I saw a weak point in her list: she had one of the Interceptors (I think Carnor Jax) without any modification to add an extra Hull or shield point, and it seemed quite weak.

She started the battle with an Interceptor and a TIE in front of me and the other two spaceships in the opposite corner... I decided to go full throttle and try to get to the ships in front of me before her flanking party arrived... Unexpectedly (or probably because of this being one of her first tournament games), her first movement for the group in front of me was to move 5 forward, so that I had to fight only half of her force before the flanking group arrived and had a big advantage throughout the game.

Also, because she never was able to concentrate enough firepower on Biggs, I kept shrugging damage with R2-D2 and, protected by Biggs, my other two ships scored plenty of hits on the beleaguered Imperial forces.
The flanking party looks helpless as battle starts in the other side of the board

My squadron blasted one of Laura's TIEs in the first exchange of shots, leaving her Interceptor alone against a lot of danger

After dealing with the force in front of me, I veered my ships to receive the incoming flanking party

In the dogfight... I love how I managed to position my three ships so that they cover a lot of space, and Biggs is near them all and must be shot at first

Hunting the last two ships proved quite difficult with lots of maneuvering

Ten gets really close to the last Interceptor... And I still love the pictures taken with my LG G2!

Third Battle
In the third game I met Vas (I think). He had a Rebel list with Biggs and R2-F2, two Dagger B-Wings and a Prototype A-Wing... We met head on and I was luckier than him with the rolls. I managed to destroy his Biggs in the first two combat rounds, and then it was a matter of time for me to mop up the rest of his squadron while he tried to destroy my Biggs without any chance.

Both squadrons met straight on

All my pilots had a higher pilot skill than the opponent's. Maybe this played a roll in me getting through his Biggs before he could damage anything

Fourth Battle
My last battle was against Sven. He had yet another list with two Interceptors and three TIEs. During the battle he tried to flank me several times, but his maneuvers and gambles were never successful and his ships attacked mine almost one by one, so it was relatively easy for me to shoot them down (two X-Wings and one B-Wing shooting the same target can and do make a lot of damage).

The usual setup in opposite corners of the board

Sven placed very well the asteroids, as you can see in this image, because he could use them to protect his advance, but would not have them blocking his movement if he crossed my ships.

The battle is about to start in earnest!

Turr Phennir manages to shoot and get out of the way, but the second Interceptor was attacked by my three ships in the same turn and was destroyed

As you can see in this photo, again Sven's ships were not fighting in unison. Here I managed to destroy one of his TIEs, but could not attack Turr Phennir for the second time in a row, and decided I would leave him for the last.

Again, this photo shows that Sven was always in numerical disadvantage, because he kept on attacking my squadron with only 1 or 2 ships

Finishing the last TIE with Turr Phennir behind... After destroying the TIE, it was a matter of 3-4 more turns before I was able to hunt down Turr Phennir

I was very happy with my list. It's quite robust, because if the opponent cannot destroy Biggs in the first few rounds of fire, it'll be almost impossible to do it later: not only is Biggs recovering Shields, but Ten Numb and Garven Dreis hit very hard and will make the opponent lose some ships.

Garven Dreis is a character that works very well with Biggs, because he can give Biggs a second Focus token and improve his survival chances.

So, I hope I'll be able to join another tournament soon... this was real fun!

May the Force be whith you all!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Star Wars Academy, Round 2

Some days have passed since I last posted in the blog, but life has been hectic lately. Also, I finally played a full tournament! (I'll write about the experience in my next post).

Before the tournament, Beni and I could play a second training session, although we only played one game:

About the GF9 mat, I'm still extremely happy with it. It's soft to the touch but has the exact amount of friction that makes it difficult to move the minis too much when you nudge them by accident. The quality of the materials is very good and the art beautiful, as you can see in the photos.

The Lists

Beni played the Vader Fist:
Darth Vader with Squad Leader and Stealth Device (34)
Howlrunner with Elusiveness and Stealth Device (23)
Mauler Mithel with Expert Handling and Stealth Device (22)
Night Beast with Stealth Device (18)
Total: 97

JL played Ten's Friends:
Ten Numb with Heavy Laser Cannon and Marksmanship (41)
Garven Dreis
Biggs Darklighter with R2-D2 and Shield Upgrade
Total: 100

In my list, the main focus is in having Biggs survive as long as possible. Ten should be able to kill almost any Imperial just by himself; Garven can help finish off a damaged enemy and with a bit of luck use its Focus token and give it to Biggs.
As for Biggs himself, I decided to make him a bit more durable with an extra shield. R2-D2 on Biggs means that you need to focus a lot of fire on him to kill him. If you don't do it in the first exchanges of fire, the chaos of the dogfight will make it very difficult for just one pilot to finish him off.

Battle Report

This time I had more trouble with the asteroids that Beni played. My conclusion is that you want to have the asteroids in such a position that they will be in the way of the opponent after the first exchange of fire.

Darth Vader starts to one side of the board, ready to flank the Rebel squadron

Darth Vader keeps looking for a flanking position while the Rebels try to position themselves so that the asteroids will be in Darth Vader´s path

Vader speeds through the asteroid field while his escorts advance in compact formation

Vader decides to turn to the Rebel squadron before being able to fllank properly

I managed to keep flying in formation and this is very important in the first exchange of fire: all my ships could focus target on one ship and with Ten's combo, few ships will be able to survive the first fire exchange

The dogfight started, and Darth Vader was not able to flank the B-Wing force

The Rebel pilots focus fire on focused fire of the Rebel squadron

This time it will be Night Beasts turn to lose his TIE

The Rebel squad starts hunting Vader down

Vader maneuvers in close quarters, but even him is no match against 3 experienced ships

We decided to stop the battle here. I am very happy with my list, as I think Biggs is very durable and will take the brunt of the enemies attacks while Ten and Garven may easily kill one guy in a turn.

As for the battle tactics, Darth Vader did not flank the Rebel squadron and this gave me a big advantage because I was always able to keep a tight formation almost until the end. Focusing fire is very important for the Rebel in this configuration: an enemy destroyed is one less attack on Biggs Darklight.